Story/My Website Inspiration

How did I came up with this layout

Many years ago, in the early days of Internet, Mom bought the computer from the store(I think it was Circuit City, not sure) back in summer 1998 known as Windows 98.

We used to own Windows 95 but my mother's boyfriend(who was an unoffical adoptive father to me and my brother) took it with him when he moved out after breaking up to move into new place. So that's when Mom decided to go out and buy a new computer which is Windows 98. I'll never forget that day when she came home with a huge box and set it up on the dining room table(we later move it to the office desk that we got later on) and set the system up. But my brother fell in love with it and that's how he became a computer expert. We remebered the Encarta 98, Dogz, and 3D pinball game called Space Cadet.

There was a bunch of other games but I don't remeber any of the names sadly.

The Encarta 98 Mind Maze was a lot of fun to play with as I started homeschooling in August 1997 and it helped me learn some new things. My favorite subjects playing were History, Geography, Art, and Hobbies. I don't think I've beaten the entire game as there is different levels.

Couple of months later, Mom set up the Aol by using this disc we got from the magazine(it would come with discs like this pic I just showed)and it became our first introduction the world of Internet.

We checked out the AOL as we have to wait till it connects and not use the phone(this was before WiFI) because of Dail up. I'm sure everyone who was a former child of the 90's would remeber the famous sound while staring at this for god knows how long.

Once we passed the dial up entry, we came across this.

Oh the wonders! My brother and I were in awed and amazed by everything they have. I remebered going on Yahoo search page as it was like Google back in the late 90s and seeing how they organize the topics. An example like if your into art history(whether it be a school project or your just a big history nerd like me), you can click the title that says 'Art and Humanities' and it'll take you to bunch of other art related topics till you found what your looking for. You want to keep up with current events? There's a News and Media tab where underneath it you can click 'current events'. Yahoo search has everything you wanted to browse through.

After browsing through the Yeahoo search page, we decided to check out the Flash games. There was a lot that we played but I defiantly remebered Lenny Loosejocks and there was a flash game for it. I sadly don't remeber the rest due to my crappy memory so I apogilze.

Another site or directory of links to other websites that I found by accident one day is none other than Anipike. If you don't know what it is, it's a site that has diretory links of fan websites such as Sailor Moon, Tenchi, Pokemon, Dragonball, etc. I mostly spend a lot of time browsing Pokemon and Sailor Moon as I was a huge fan back then.

One of my favorite Sailor Moon fan sites memories are The Chibi Moon Muliverse(I only have the wayback archive). I love the Chibi Usa(aka Rini in US) line art, some cool info's and pics, and the background music is Sailor Stars transformation instrumental(the archive doesn't play the audio sadly and I tried finding it on YouTube but no luck). Love the background starry night hence why my YouTube background and my banner is inspired by that site. Another site I enjoyed is called Chibi Chibi's Diary and that's when I learned about Sailor Moon's fifth season, Sailor Stars as it never aired on the States nor dubbed back then until 2015, thanks to Viz Media(which I was able to watch the whole Stars season, both dubbed and subbed. I haven't seen the Crystal version yet). At that time, I've seen four seasons at it aired on Dic and on Cartoon Network's Toonami but I never knew about Stars until Anipike showed me. I waited for the dubbed version of Stars but little did my past self know, I got my wish seventeen years later. Chibi Chibi became my favorite character. It was also around the time I was able to buy myself a pocket sized Tokyopop Sailor Moon Manga(which I still owned all fifteen books today) and Pokemon manga. I have more but I'll save them for my 90s page as it'll take me forever to go through.

Okay, so I rambled on about my memories of my early discovery Internet days but then again, my site is about nostalgia so I'll get to the one I wanted to talk about the most important website I've discovered that inspired my website which is none other than My Little Pony.

My very first My Little Pony website and I'm sure if any of you MLP/Brony fans know what I'm talking about but for those who don't, that's okay because I will gladly tell you. The site is none other than Dream Valley: A Collectors Guide to My Little Pony made by Kimberly Shriner. Her site was just amazing!

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